Wednesday, December 30, 2009

In Memory of My Mother

Today's page is dedicated to my mother.  

She died peacefully on December 2nd at her home, surrounded by loved ones. My only regret is that she never got to visit me in Oregon.  She would have loved the snow!

To My Friends:
Enjoy these snowday photos, taken last year.  It snowed here yesterday, but the snowfall was not quite as beautiful as this one.
First photo: From the upstairs deck, side yard.
Next photo at Right:  From the deck, side yard.
Last photo at Left: From the deck, front yard. 

The cherry trees are now bare.  The peonies are resting underground, and the roses are just waiting for the spring.

Living in Oregon has been the greatest adventure in my life.  Here I came to understand the words of T.S. Elliot:  "April is the cruelest month."  When I walk around this yard in April, I can see how Life struggles to emerge from the damp, dark earth.  Every morning, I walk the flower beds, not wanting to miss a moment of this emergence.  The tulips and daffodils and peonies awaken slowly, forcing their way out of their cold winter tomb, reaching up toward the light of day.  Their struggle is all for my benefit, I feel.  The potential flowers that now lie dormant will soon adorn my Easter table. AND.... How grateful I am for May, when on Mother's Day, I will plant geraniums along the paths, beside the daffodils.  I will think of my mother every time a new flower blooms.